
To submit an article to Afrika Focus, send it to Make sure that

  • The submission file is in a Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Illustrations and tables are submitted as a supplementary file; pictures as a jpg-file in high resolution.

Author Guidelines

(1) Languages. Afrika Focus only accepts articles in French and in English. The language should be correct with regard to style, vocabulary and spelling. Book reviews have to be written in the language of the book.

(2) Cover page. Each article opens with a cover page with the following information: (a) the name, affiliation(s), address and electronic address of the author(s), (b) an abstract of no more than 150 words, in French and in English; this abstract has to be structured and needs to contain the following items: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (c) a maximum of five key words in the language of the article, as well as in English, and (d) possibly a word of thanks (in print these words of thanks will be put at the end of the article, after the text and before the references).

(3) Layout. The text should be laid out as follows: (a) double-spaced with font 12 throughout, including the citations, bibliographical references, titles and captions, (b) margins of 2.5 cm. on top, at the bottom, left and right. The main text should be no longer than 30 pages (double-spaced), except for special arrangements with the chief or guest editors. Avoid splitting words at the end of the line. Each new paragraph should be clearly indicated, as should the titles. Titles should be ordered without numbering, with a maximum of two levels.

(4) Quotations. Quotations, expressions in Latin or in any other foreign language, etc... should be marked by italics.

(5) Footnotes. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Footnotes should not be used to refer to secondary literature. Secondary sources need to be referred to in the text and they have to be listed in a reference list at the end of the article. Authors should make sure that a footnote does not give redundant information. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and typed at the end of the text.

(6) Tables. Tables should be numbered separately and carry clear captions. Arrangements will be made with the publisher regarding the size and layout of the tables. These arrangements are binding.

(7) Figures. Figures should be submitted electronically and separate from the text. The format can be either TIFF, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, a high-resolution JPEG, or a PDF with printing quality. Afrika Focus does not accept figures in GIF-, MS Word- or MS Excel-format. All figures (drawings, graphs, pictures or maps) should be numbered consecutively. The reader should be able to clearly interpret graphs printed in black-and-white. Each figure should have a brief and clear legend. All aspects of the figures, including letters, should be large enough to still be legible when reduced in size.

(8) References. Afrika Focus largely follows the APA reference system ( with regard to references cited in the text and the reference section at the end of the article.

(9) References in the text. References in the text should read:

a) name of the author in lower-case, followed by a comma and the year of publication, possibly followed by a colon and the page reference (Janssens, 1975: 5-15)
b) if there are two authors (Janssens & Peterson, 1975: 5-15)
c) if there are more than two authors (Janssens et al., 1975: 5-15).

(10) Reference list. All text references should be listed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order of the authors and, for the same author (or group of authors), in chronological order. 
The bibliographical references should read as follows:

- In case of an article from a journal:

Last name of the author, First name (date). Title of the article. Title of the journal, Volume (number): Pages.

- In case of an article from a book:

Last name of the author, First name (date). Title of the article. In A. Editor (ed.), Title of the book, pp. x-x. Place of publication: Publisher.

- In case of a book:

Last name of the author, First name (date). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, Pages.

- In case of proceedings (conference, symposium, etc...):

Last name of the author, First name (date). Title of the article. In: Title of the proceedings, pp. x-x. Place, Date.

(11) Offprints. Each author will receive a final PDF of his/her article.

(12) Suggesting reviewers. Authors can submit a list of up to 6 persons (connected to research institutions) eligible to review their article. The editors are not obliged to comply with these suggestions, but they will respect requests regarding the exclusion of certain reviewers.

(13) Submission. The manuscript should be submitted digitally to the editorial secretariat, as a Word document attached to an email. The author will receive confirmation of the receipt of the manuscript.



Dr. Annelies Verdoolaege
Coordinator Africa Platform Ghent University Association
Editor-in-chief Afrika Focus
Onderbergen 1 - B-9000 Ghent
+32 9 264 83 73
+32 486 65 40 46