An Interdisciplinary Approach for Watershed-Scale Assessment and Management

Ryan Martin, Pat Fosse, Brain Trift


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Dil- lon Field Of ce (DFO) manages more than 900,000 surface acres of public land in scenic, southwestern Montana. These lands vary from the snow-covered Lima Peaks, near the Idaho border, to the sagebrush-covered, rolling foothills near the rst Territorial capital of Bannack, Montana, to the grass-covered lowlands in the Madison Valley. Miles of high-mountain streams—in- habited by native, westslope cutthroat trout— ow down to the sagebrush-dominated grasslands that pygmy rabbits and sage-grouse call home. The sheer beauty and diversity of life within the DFO make managing these public lands for mul- tiple use a privilege and constant challenge. 

DOI: 10.2458/azu_rangelands_v34i4_martin

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