Research to Practical Use: On-the-Ground Successes

Charlie D. Clements, Ja,es A. Young, Daniel N. Harmon, Mark Weltz


T he US Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit services a large area that runs from south-central Nevada to the Or-

egon border and from northeastern California to the Utah border. This vast array of landscapes has a variety of stake- holders who request assistance in addressing range, wild- life, and sustainable agriculture issues. At the 64th Annual Society for Range Management Meetings held in Billings, Montana, in February 2011 we were invited to present at a special symposium “Agency Accomplishments—Making a Difference on the Ground.” Here we present three case studies of our efforts to 1) research the problem at hand, 2) deliver practical on-the-ground practices to minimize or eliminate the problem, and 3) improve sustainable agricul- tural practices. 

DOI: 10.2458/azu_rangelands_v34i4_clements

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