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Radiocarbon concentration in the atmosphere and modern tree rings in the Krakow area, southern Poland.

Andrzej Rakowski, Tadeusz Kuc, Toshio Nakamura, Anna Pazdur


New results of radiocarbon concentration in tree rings from the Krakow region covering a growth period of 20 yr have been analyzed, and the relationship between them and (super 14) C concentrations in the atmospheric CO (sub 2) are described. This enabled assessment of the uptake period for pine trees at the regional climatic conditions. Both sets of data show lower (super 14) C concentrations than reported for "clean air" at the reference station, indicating a remarkable input of "dead" CO (sub 2) of fossil fuel origin. Using data of carbon dioxide and (super 14) C concentrations from Schauinsland, summer values of the fossil component (C (sub f) ) in carbon dioxide were calculated for the Krakow area. Fitting exponential and linear functions to experimental data, the exchange time was calculated, and expected future (super 14) C concentration in the atmosphere was estimated.


air pollution;atmosphere ;C 14;carbon ;carbon dioxide;Central Europe;concentration ;Cracow Poland;Europe ;geochemistry ;isotopes ;monitoring ;Poland ;pollution ;radioactive isotopes;southern Poland;tree rings

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