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Is there a Fifth International Radiocarbon Intercomparison (VIRI)?.

E M Scott, C Bryant, G T Cook, P Naysmith


The issue of comparability of measurements (and thus bias, accuracy, and precision of measurement) from diverse laboratories is one which has been the focus of some attention both within the radiocarbon community and the wider user communities. As a result, the (super 14) C community has undertaken a widescale, far-reaching, and evolving program of inter-comparisons, to the benefit of laboratories and users alike. The benefit to the users is, however, indirect, since the (super 14) C inter-comparisons have not been used to generate "league tables" of performance, but rather to allow individual laboratories to check procedures and modify them as required.


testing;Fifth International Radiocarbon Intercomparison;precision;accuracy;methods;C 14;carbon;isotopes;radioactive isotopes;absolute age

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