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The age of upper Paleolithic sites in the middle Dnieper River basin of Eastern Europe.

Z A Abramova, G V Grigorieva, G I Zaitseva


This paper discusses the comparative chronology of Upper Paleolithic sites in the Middle Dnieper River basin, based on archaeological and radiocarbon evidence. Three chronological periods of the development of the Upper Paleolithic are distinguished in this area. According to the data obtained, the third period is similar to the European Magdalenian, yet its economies were different. The base of the subsistence economy for Dnieperian hunters was the procurement of mammoth, while reindeer was the most important for the subsistence of European Magdalenian. The abundance of mammoths and the raw material in the form of mammoth tusks made a deep impact on both the economy and material culture of the hunters in the Dnieper River basin. The (super 14) C dates confirm the chronological subdivision.


Dnieper Basin;Stone Age;Paleolithic;relative age;artifacts;Elephantidae;Elephantoidea;Mammuthus;Proboscidea;Theria;Eutheria;Mammalia;archaeology;archaeological sites;Chordata;Tetrapoda;Vertebrata;Europe;Commonwealth of Independent States;bones;Cenozoic;Quaternary;C 14;carbon;dates;isotopes;radioactive isotopes;absolute age

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