Measuring Submicron-Size Fractionated Particulate Matter on Aluminum Impactor Disks
Submicron-sized airborne particulate matter (PM) is not collected well on regular quartz or glass fiber filter papers. We used a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) to fractionate PM into 6 size fractions and deposit it on specially designed high-purity thin aluminum disks. The MOUDI separated PM into fractions 56-100, 100-180, 180-320, 320-560, 560-1000, and 1000-1800 nm. Since the MOUDI has a low flow rate (30 L/min), it takes several days to collect sufficient carbon on 47-mm foil disks. The small carbon mass (20-200 μg C) and large aluminum substrate (~25 mg Al) present several challenges to production of graphite targets for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) analysis. The Al foil consumes large amounts of oxygen as it is heated and tends to melt into quartz combustion tubes, causing gas leaks. We describe sample processing techniques to reliably produce graphitic targets for 14C AMS analysis of PM deposited on Al impact foils.