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14C Ages of 43 Consecutive Single-Year Tree Rings Between 2710 and 2655 cal BP Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

Kayo Suzuki, Hirohisa Sakurai, Yui Takahashi, Shuichi Gunji, Fuyuki Tokanai, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yoko Sunohara


We have measured the radiocarbon ages of 43 consecutive single-year tree rings using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) with a statistical accuracy of -2.3‰ AMS 14C ages of the 36 viable samples are between 2708 and 2666 cal BP, a period in which the Δ14C of the IntCal04 curve (Reimer et al. 2004) shows an enhancement. The 14C ages of the samples are scattered with a Gaussian distribution around the interpolated IntCal04 calibration curve. The time profile of the deviations of the 36 14C ages from the interpolated IntCal04 calibration curve indicates a linear trend and a characteristic variability rather than a random fluctuation around the curve. The trend indicates a higher gradient than that of the interpolated IntCal04 calibration curve. The profile implies a periodic variation of approximately 11 yr and an amplitude of roughly 18 14C yr.

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