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The carbonate (super 14) C background and its components at the Leibniz AMS facility.

Markus Schleicher, Pieter M Grootes, Marie Josee Nadeau, Axel Schoon


After routine accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating had been established at the Leibniz-Labor with the completion of systems for CO (sub 2) production, graphitization, and target making, a systematic investigation was conducted to find the sources of (super 14) C concentrations observed in background materials. We quantified the contributions of the AMS-system, the reduction, CO (sub 2) production from carbonate, carbonate contamination, and combustion. Carbonate contamination appears to be the dominating factor. Improvements in the pretreatment of foraminifer carbonate have led to the elimination of most of this contamination.


hydrochloric acid;inorganic acids;ultrasonic methods;combustion;ions;SEM data;leaching;background level;concentration;in situ;errors;accelerator mass spectroscopy;mass spectroscopy;spectroscopy;sample preparation;C 14;carbon;isotopes;radioactive isotopes;carbon dioxide;absolute age;carbonates

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