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Arizona radiocarbon dates III.

Paul E Damon, Austin Long


Radiocarbon-age measurements reported were made by the carbon dioxide gas-proportional counting method since conversion of the laboratory from the solid-carbon method. Assembly of the shield and construction of the glass system was accomplished during the summer of 1959. By Jan. 1960, shield, anticoincidence ring, counters and electronics were set up and in operation. The first year of operation was occupied with calibration, comparison of dating with C (super 14) laboratories, and the repeating of many of the analyses previously made by the solid-carbon method. Special attention was given to dates open to question from an archaeologic point of view. Sample descriptions are classified as follows: samples of geologic-palynologic interest; samples of archaeologic interest; archaeologic samples of known age for check purposes; modern organic material. The 48 samples are from New Mexico, Arizona, Costa Rica, California, Mexico, Argentina, Hungary, France, Netherlands, Sudan, and Egypt.


Arizona University;C 14;carbon;dates;isotopes;radioactive isotopes;absolute age

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