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Trondheim natural radiocarbon measurements III.

Reidar Nydal


This date list covers most of the datings done during the period Jan. 1960 to Dec. 1961. Some work has been done during the 2 years in order to improve the technique earlier described. C (super 14) dating of interstadial and some interglacial samples (Siberian mammoths, shell and limestone from southern Norway) now seems practical, owing to recent advances in the counting technique. Due to an error introduced cause of a nonlinearity in the mechanical manometer, some previously published dates have been recalculated and are tabulated. The samples described and dated are mostly from Norway and include driftwood, marine transgressions studies, sandstrand shells, late- and postglacial marine deposits, and archaeologic samples. There are samples from the Canary Islands and samples of mammoths and one rhinoceros from different parts Siberia.


Sor Trondelag Norway;Trondheim Norway;Norway;geologic time;Carbon 14 dating;Europe;Western Europe;Scandinavia

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