Hydrological Changes after the Last Ice Retreat in Northern Poland Using Radiocarbon Dating

Danuta J Michczyńska, Leszek Starkel, Dorota Nalepka, Anna Pazdur


A simplified model of hydrological changes during the Late Glacial and Holocene is presented for the northern Polish regions that were ice covered during the Last Glacial. This reconstruction is based on a group of 197 radiocarbon dates from about 120 localities reflecting the sequence of alternating lake transgressions and regressions. The earliest transgressions were related to dead-ice melting (sometimes in 2–3 phases), while the later ones started during more humid phases. However, these were usually followed by regressions, which may have been connected with the formation of new drainage systems and with the overgrowing of shallow lakes by peat bogs.

DOI: 10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16343


Northern Poland; Late Glacial; Holocene; 14C; environmental changes; appearance of lacustrine reservoirs; lake level changes; peat formation

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