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Attentiveness of guarding dogs for reducing predation on domestic sheep in the United States, Italy.
R. Coppinger, J. Lorenz, J. Glendinning, P. Pinardi
Molybdenosis in an area underlain by uranium-bearing lignites in the northern Great Plains South Dakota, cattle grazing, disease due to molybdenum-induced copper deficiency.
L.R. Stone, J.A. Erdman, G.L. Feder, H.D. Holland
Effect of soil contamination on the mineral composition of forage fertilized with nitrogen Wheatgrass, Agropyron desertorum.
H.F. Mayland, F.A. Sneva
Plant-soil relationships on bentonite mine spoils and sagebrush-grassland in the northern high plains Rangelands in southeastern Montana, Artemisia tridentata.
C.H. Sieg, D.W. Uresk, R.M. Hansen
Influence of clay and organic matter of rangeland soils on tebuthiuron effectiveness Herbicide, phytotoxicity.
K.W. Duncan, C.J. Scifres
Distribution of dry matter and chemical constituents in plant parts of four Florida native grasses Creeping bluestem, Schizachyrium stoloniferum, lopsided indiangrass, Sorghastrum secundum, maidencane, Panicum hemitomon, wiregrass, Aristida stricta, nutritional potential of forages.
R.S. Kalmbacher
A comparison of four methods used to determine the diets of large herbivores Sheep.
M.L. McInnis, M. Vavra, W.C. Krueger
Summer food habits of domestic sheep in southeastern Montana Grazing on big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata, buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides.
L.E. Alexander, D.W. Uresk, R.M. Hansen
Responses of selected wildlife species to the removal of mesquite from desert grassland in southeastern Arizona, Prosopis juliflora.
D.J. Germano, R. Hungerford, S.C. Martin
Response of selected plant species seeded on mule deer winter range in south-central Oregon.
D.A. Leckenby, D.E. Toweill
Food habits of nilgai antelope in Texas Boselaphus tragocamelus, forage selections.
W.J. Sheffield
Fistula sample numbers required to determine cattle diets on forest and grassland ranges in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.
J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra
Vehicle impacts on northern Great Plains range vegetation Montana, livestock grazing, soils.
G.F. Payne, J.W. Foster, W.C. Leininger
Fire history at the forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern Montana.
S.F. Arno, G.E. Gruell
Huisache growth, browse quality, and use following burning Acacia farnesiana, Texas, nutritional status.
G.A. Rasmussen, C.J. Scifres, D.L. Drawe
Fire-induced mortality of redberry juniper (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.) Broadcast burns, grasslands in Texas, brush problem.
A.A. Steuter, C.M. Britton
Fuel-load reductions resulting from prescribed burning in grazed and ungrazed Douglas-fir stands Pseudotsuga menziesii, Idaho forest.
G.T. Zimmerman, L.F. Neuenschwander
Response of wildlife food plants to spring discing of mesquite rangeland in northwest Texas Prosopis glandulosa.
W.M. Webb, F.S. Guthery
Evaluation of a fertilized 3-pasture system grazed by yearling steers North Dakota.
P.E. Nyren, W.C. Whitman, J.L. Nelson, T.J. Conlon
Effects of annual applications of low N nitrogen fertilizer rates on a mixed grass prairie Blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis, western wheatgrass, Agropyron smithii, dryland sedges, Cares sp..
F. Rauzi, M.L. Fairbourn
Ecological characteristics and control of Gambel oak Quercus gambelii, brush problem species, ranges in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona.
D.M. Engle, C.D. Bonham, L.E. Bartel
Effect of weedy annuals on the survival and growth of transplants under arid conditions Utah, competition.
G.A. Van Epps, C.M. McKell
Vegetation changes from 1935 to 1980 in mesquite dunelands and former grasslands of southern New Mexico Prosopis glandulosa, grama, Bouteloua eriopoda, grazing resource.
J.T. Hennessy, R.P. Gibbens, J.M. Tromble, M. Cardenas
Relationship between Cutler Mormon-tea Ephedra cutleri and coppice dunes in determining range trend in northeastern Arizona Soil, climatic factors, and vegetation.
H.S. Hodgkinson
Economics of gypsum and elemental sulfur as fertilizers on subclover-grass pastures in northern California Trifolium subterraneum.
D.M. Center, M.B. Jones
Short-term changes in a cottonwood-ash-willow association on a grazed and an ungrazed portion of Little Ash Creek in central Arizona Populus fremontii, velvet ash, Fraxinus velutina, Goodding willow, Salix gooddingii.
R.C. Szaro, C.P. Pase
Cattle trampling of simulated groaund nests under short duration and continuous grazing Texas.
B.H. Koerth, W.M. Webb, F.C. Bryant, F.S. Guthery
Seedbed ecology of winterfat: fruits versus threshed seeds Eurotia lanata.
D.T. Booth, G.E. Schuman
Germination requirements of green needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.) for use in revegetation of disturbed lands in South Dakota, Montana.
T.E. Fulbright, E.F. Redente, A.M. Wilson
'Magnar" basin wildrye--germination in relation to temperature Elymus cinereus, forage species adapted to saline/alkaline range sites.
R.A. Evans, J.A. Young
Yield of three range grasses grown alone and in mixtures with legumes.
W.J. McGinnies, C.E. Townsend
Seasonal changes in yield, digesibility, and crude protein of vegetative and floral tillers of two grasses Rosana western wheatgrass, Agropyron smithii, Lodorm green needlegrass, Stipa viridula, grazing management for native rangeland in the northern Great Plains, USA.
L.M. White
An improved method for attaching the esophageal fistula bag Surgically established skin "neck loop", livestock diet analysis.
R.J. Kartchner, D.C. Adams