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Electric fencing reduces coyote predation on pastured sheep in North Dakota, Kansas.
S.B. Linhart, J.D. Roberts, G.J. Dasch
Influence of crusting soil surfaces on emergence and establishment of crested whestgrass, squirreltail, Thurber needlegrass, and fourwing saltbush Agropyron desertorum, Sitanion hystrix, Stipa thurberiana, Atriplex canescens, Nevada, site preparation, seeding methods.
M.K. Wood, R.E. Eckert, W.H. Blackburn, F.F. Peterson
An evaluation of 17 grasses and 2 legumes for revegetation of soil and spoil on a coal strip mine Reclamation.
P.J. Nichols, W.J. McGinnies
Punch planting to establish grass seed in the Southern Great Plains, USA.
V.L. Hauser
Legume establishment on strip mined lands in Southeastern Montana Revegetation.
J.L. Holecheck, E.J. Depuit, J.G. Coenenberg, R. Valdez
Establishment, growth, utilization and chemical composition of introduced shrubs on Oklahoma tall grass prairie Atriplex canescens, Fallugia paradoxa, Cowania mexicana var. stansburiana, winter browse plants.
N.D. Stidham, J. Powell, F. Gray, P.I. Claypool
Botanical composition of summer cattle diets on the Wyoming High Plains Grazing semiarid grassland.
M.J. Samuel, G.S. Howard
Botanical compostion of determination of range herbivore diets. A review Grazing animals, forage resources.
J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra, R.D. Pieper
An analysis of forage preference indices Diets of cattle, sheep.
C. Loehle, L.R. Rittenhouse
Botanical composition of steer diets on mesquite and mesquite-free desert grassland Arizona.
H.D. Galt, B. Theurer, S.C. Martin
Contribution to the ecology of Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) P. Beauv. A nutritious fodder, Nigeria.
B.M. Sharma, A.O. Chivinge
Cattle grazing and behavior on a forested range in the southern Blue Mountains of Oregon, vegetation types.
L.R. Roath, W.C. Krueger
Effect of contimuous grazing on the diet of steers Forage availability.
D.A. Yates, D.C. Clanton, J.T. Nichols
Habitat preferences of feral hogs, deer, and cattle on a Sierra foothill range California, interspecific competition, irrigated pastures.
R.H. Barrett
Grazing management of crested wheatgrass range for yearling steers Agropyron desertorum.
D.A. Daugherty, C.M. Britton, H.A. Turner
Efficiency of forage harvest by grazing cattle.
C.D. Allison, M.M. Kothmann, L.R. Rittenhouse
Recovery of cryptogamic soil crusts from grazing on Utah winter ranges.
D.C. Anderson, K.T. Harper, S.R. Rushforth
Recovery of streamside woody vegetation after exclusion of livestock grazing Salix amygdaloides, Washington.
W.H. Rickard, C.E. Cushing
Forage production and removal from western and crested wheatgrasses under grazing Agropyron smithii, Agropyron desertorum, Wyoming.
R.H. Hart, E.F. Balla
Short duration grazing at the Texas Experimeental Ranch: effects on aboveground net primary production and seasonal growth dynamics.
R.K. Heitschmmidt, D.L. Price, R.A. Gordon, J.R. Frasure
Short duration grazing at the Texas Experimental Range: effects on forage quality.
R.K. Heitschmidt, R.A. Gordon, J.S. Bluntzer
Short duration grazing at the Texas Experimental Ranch: weight gains of growing heifers Forage quality.
R.K. Heitschmidt, J.R. Frasure, D.L. Price, L.R. Rittenhouse
Understory herbage production as a function of Rocky Mountain aspen stand density Populus tremuloides, Routt National Forest, Grazing by livestock and game.
R.F. Woods, D.R. Betters, E.W. Mogren
Soil loss, runoff, and water quality of seeded and unseeded steep watersheds following prescribed burning Edwards Plateau in Texas, range management.
H.A. Wright, F.S. Churchill, W.C. Stevens
Vegetation response to prescribed fire in a North Florida flatwoods forest.
W.H. Moore, B.F. Swindel, W.S. Terry
Fire, lichens, and caribou Rangifer tarandus, ecological diversity, Eurasia, North America.
D.R. Klein
Growth rate differences among big sagebrush (Artemisis tridentata) accessions and subspecies Utah.
E.D. McArthur, B.L. Welch
Woody plant control in the Post Oak Savannah of Texas with hexazinone Herbicide.
C.J. Scifres