Technical note: Spring grazing preference of wheatgrass taxa by Rocky Mountain elk.

T.A. Jones, P.J. Urness, D.C. Nielson


We measured the grazing preference of 3 castrated male Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) for 2 crested (Agropyron desertorum [Fischer ex Link] Schultes), 5 thickspike (Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus [Scribner &J.G. Smith] Gould), 3 Snake River (proposed name E. lanceolatus ssp. wawawaiensis), and 2 bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Love) entries. Number of bites and visits were highly correlated in early May (r2=0.77) and late May (r2=0.83). 'Critana' and 'Elbee' thickspike and 'Hycrest' and 'Nordan' crested wheatgrasses can be recommended for seedings for elk spring grazing where these grasses are adapted.


Cervus elaphus nelsoni;Elymus lanceolatus;Pseudoroegneria spicata;Agropyron desertorum;palatability;Cervus elaphus;spring;Poaceae;Utah;grazing;feeding preferences

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