Livestock grazing impacts on interrill erosion in Pakistan.

F. Bari, M.K. Wood, L. Murray


This study was conducted for 2 consecutive growing seasons in a temperate region of Pakistan to determine a residual phytomass level necessary to adequately protect the soil against accelerated interill erosion A rainfall simulator was used to apply rainfall to 48 (1 m square) circular plots arranged in a completely randomized experimental design, with 4 residual phytomass levels and 2 replications. The residual treatment with 3,024 kg ha-l phytomass resulted in the lowest erosion rates, and the treatment with 624 kg ha-l phytomass produced the highest erosion. Standing phytomass was the most important variable affecting erosion with foliar cover and basal cover also highly correlated to erosion.


sediments;watershed management;water erosion;Pakistan;rill erosion;Pinus wallichiana;Universal Soil Loss Equation;rainfall simulators;biomass production;grazing intensity;biomass;canopy;soil water

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