Factors influencing eastern redcedar seedling survival on rangeland.

T.L. Schmidt, J. Stubbendieck


Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) is the most rapidly expanding woody species on rangeland in the Great Plains. Reasons for the expansion and management solutions have not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of year of establishment, grazing impacts, and aspect on the survival of eastern redcedar seedlings. Subplots of 10 transplanted eastern redcedar seedlings were replicated at 2 sites in west-central Nebraska. Plots were established in 1987 and 1988 under 3 different grazing levels: actively grazed, actively grazed until 1987 and then fenced from grazing, and not grazed for greater than or equal to 50 years. Split-plots within the 3 grazing levels were established on 3 different aspects: north-facing, south-facing, and flat. Seedling survival was evaluated 6,18, and 30 months after establishment period. The year that the seedling was established influenced seedling survival after 18 months. Grazing effects and aspect were significant factors in the survival of eastern redcedar seedlings for all 3 evaluation periods. Highest survival for grazing effects occurred where eastern redcedar seedlings were transplanted into plots that were grazed until 1987 and then fenced (57% +/- 1.5%). Lowest survival rates concerning grazing were for areas that were not grazed for greater than of equal to 50 years (40% +/- 3.0%). North-facing slopes had the highest survival after 30 months (65% +/- 2.4%). South facing slopes had the lowest survival after 30 months (34% +/- 2.9%). Land managers may be able to reduce eastern redcedar seedling establishment on grazed range lands through different grazing practices.


Nebraska;Juniperus virginiana;slopes;plant competition;grazing

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