Droplet size and spray volume effects on honey mesquite mortality with clopyralid.

S.G. Whisenant, L.F. Bouse, R.A. Crane, R.W. Bovey


The effects of droplet size and spray volume (spray-mixture application rate) on honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) mortality were evaluated using 0.55 to 0.58 kg ae (acid equivalent) ha-1 clopyralid (3,6 dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid). A factorial combination of 3 spray volumes (19, 37, and 75 liters ha-1) and droplet sizes of 325 +/- 25, 475 +/- 25, and 625 +/- 25 micrometers nominal volume median diameter were replicated 3 times at both Andrews and Big Lake, Tex., during June 1989. The experiment was repeated in 1990 at Big Lake and Campbellton, Tex., without the 75 liters ha-1 spray volume. Honey mesquite mortality and canopy reduction 16 months after application were significantly less on the 625 micrometer droplet treatments in 2 of 4 experiments, when compared to plots treated with smaller droplet sizes. Mortality increased with larger spray volumes, particularly with 625 micrometer droplets. Relative mortality data from the 4 experiments clearly demonstrated that larger droplet sizes require larger spray volumes for greatest efficacy.


droplet size;low volume spraying;droplet studies;high volume spraying;clopyralid;Prosopis glandulosa;brush control;phytotoxicity;chemical control

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