Germination responses of Lehmann lovegrass to light.

B.A. Roundy, R.B. Taylorson, L.B. Sumrall


Lebmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees.) is a perennial, warm-season bunchgrass that is native to South Africa and has been seeded and spread naturally in the southwestern United States. Germination of 4 seed lots of varying age was tested in relation to darkness and irradiance with red (R) and far-red (FR) light. Germination was low in continual darkness, but greatly increased after exposure to R. Irradiation with FR after exposure to R reduced germination, confirming phytochrome involvement. Exposure to R after prolonged imbibition in FR did not increase germination of 1-2-year-old seeds and only slightly increased germination of older seeds. An alternating temperature of 16 hours at 15 degrees C and 8 hours at 38 degrees C greatly increased germination of seeds exposed to fluorescent light and slightly increased germination of seeds in darkness compared to a constant temperature of 25 degrees C. Greater seedling emergence of Lehmann lovegrass when the canopy is opened by burning, mowing, or grazing is likely a function of red light stimulation of biologically active phytochrome and increased seedbed temperature fluctuations.


red light;far-red light;phytochrome;seedbed ecology;mowing;burning;light relations;soil temperature;light;seedling emergence;fires;fire effects;seed germination;Eragrostis lehmanniana;pasture plants;grazing

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