Control of huisache and honey mesquite with a carpeted roller herbicide applicator.

R.W. Bovey, R.E. Meyer


Several herbicides were evaluated for control of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) and huisache [Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.] using a tractor-mounted carpeted roller. Foliar sprays of picloram + 2,4,5-T at 0.28 + 0.28 and 0.56 + 0.56 kg/ha were included for comparison. When applied by carpeted roller, picloram at 60 g/L killed about 40% of the honey mesquite plants whereas 120 g/L killed 63 to 83% of the plants after 2 years. Clopyralid at 60 or 120 g/L killed 65% or more of the plants. Mixtures of picloram + clopyralid (1:1) at 30 + 30 g/L killed 53 to 73%, whereas 60 + 60 g/L killed 93 to 98% of the honey mesquite. Clopralid + triclopyr (1:1) 30 + 30 g/L killed 48 to 58% of the plants, while 60 + 60 g/L killed 80 to 95%. Picloram + 2,4,5-T (1:1) applied by the carpeted roller was usually more effective than foliar sprays of picloram + 2,4,5-T. For huisache, picloram, clopyralid, or picloram + clopyalid at a total of 60 or 120 g/L killed 60% or more of the plants after 1 year. Picloram + clopyralid at 60 + 60 g/ L applied in 1983 and 1984 killed 92% or more of the huisache. Picloram + 2,4,5-T at 60 + 60 g/L killed 73 to 83%, but foliar sprays of picloram + 2,4,5-T were sometimes ineffective. Glyphosate, dicamba, triclopyr and 2,4,5-T applied alone reduced the canopy of honey mesquite and huisache but usually killed few plants. Honey mesquite was controlled from spring applications, whereas, summer and fall treatments controlled huisacbe.


Acacia farnesiana;Prosopis glandulosa;weed control

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