Infiltration and runoff water quality response to silvicultural and grazing treatments on a longleaf pine forest.
The impacts of intensive vs. extensive silviculture, and moderate continuous livestock grazing vs. no livestock grazing as they relate to infiltration and runoff water quality were evaluated using rainfall simulation. Study sites were located in the Vernon District of the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana. Infiltration was greater, and interrill erosion, suspension-solution phase total nitrogen concentrations, and suspension-solution phase total phosphate concentrations were less from areas under extensive silviculture and no livestock grazing than from areas under intensive silviculture and livestock grazing, respectively. Intensive silviculture exposed more bare soil than extensive treatments. Litter cover and litter biomass were significantly reduced by the intensive silvicultural treatment. Livestock grazing also exposed more bare soil mainly resulting from a removal of grass cover and biomass.
silviculture;Pinus palustris;Louisiana;grazing intensity;plant litter