Comparison of Bite-Count and Rumen Evacuation Techniques to Estimate Cattle Diet Quality

Daalkhaijav Damiran, Timothy DelCurto, Scott L. Findholt, Bruce K. Johnson, Martin Vavra


We conducted a study to compare the bite-count technique (BC) of estimating forage intake and synthesized diet quality to
direct estimates of diet quantity and quality with the use of the rumen evacuation technique (RE). We used four rumenfistulated
steers to evaluate both techniques. Four enclosures in a mixed-conifer rangeland were used. Each enclosure
contained two 0.25-ha paddocks that were either nonstocked or stocked by cattle to remove 3264% of standing crop. We
recorded bite-count data during foraging bouts for each steer in each paddock, and then evacuated each rumen following each
foraging bout during summer (August). Paddocks stocked prior to each 20-min trial had a reduced (P,0.05) quantity of
forage consumed regardless of technique. BC and RE gave similar (P.0.10) results on diet quantity and digestibility.
However, BC-derived estimates were lower (P,0.05) for crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ash, and neutral
detergent fiber (NDF). In summary, although BC has the advantage of not requiring rumen-fistulated animals, it did not yield
comparable results to RE under range conditions with dense and diverse vegetation. Therefore, investigators should calibrate
bite-count technique against fistula technique to solve any accuracy problem in their specific experimental conditions
whenever possible.

Key Words: diet sampling, diet selection, foraging trials, free-ranging animals, mixed-conifer rangeland

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