Editorial: ITET: A Venue for Mentoring and Sponsoring Graduate Students in the Digital Age
When I started ITET, one of the major goals I had in mind was to create a graduate student friendly journal. 'Friendly,' in this sense, meant an editorial staff working closely with students to turn their distinguished term papers into publishable, quality manuscripts. Why is this a 'friendly' approach for graduate students? More than ever, today's graduate students need quality mentorship in writing, in scholarship, and in publishing. Our intention at ITET is obviously not to fill a void in all aspects of mentorship and sponsorship but to help students gain some exposure to academic publishing and amass more experience in writing research papers while they grow as scholars.
Read, B. (2013). Is mentorship in peril? ChronicleVitae. https://chroniclevitae.com/news/167-is-mentorship-in-peril.