Investigating the Relationship Between TPACK and the ISTE Standards for Teachers

Josh DeSantis


Technology is rapidly changing American classrooms. This has profound implications for teacher preparatory institutions seeking to ready pre-service teachers to thrive in technology-integrated environments. Two frameworks have been developed that aide teacher-educators in designing programs that help pre-service teachers integrate technology during their instruction. The first, titled, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), primarily emphasizes what effective technology integrators know. The second, titled, the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (International Society for Technology in Education, 2008), primarily emphasizes what effective technology integrators do. To this point, little progress has been made determining if relationships exist between these frameworks. This study explores the existence of a relationship between pre-service teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge levels and their technology proficiencies described by the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers. 


Improving Classroom Teaching; Pedagogical Issues; Postsecondary Education; Secondary Education; Teaching/Learning Strategies

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