Implementing Augmented Reality in the Classroom

Douglas Robert Miller, Tonia Dousay


Augmented reality (AR) is a tool that holds much promise in terms of its application for educational purposes. However, despite the fact that the hardware needed to access AR is becoming ubiquitous in classroom environments, AR’s use in educational settings is diffusing at a slow pace. Several challenges are present for educators interested in adopting AR in their instructional environments but they are not insurmountable. Increasing hardware availability as well as software advances are affording more instructors access to the tools needed to design, develop, and implement AR in and around their classroom. This paper first identifies a conceptual definition of AR that can be easily applied across contexts and then outlines several guidelines for instructors looking to implement AR learning experiences at a classroom level.



Augmented Reality; Mobile Learning; Constructivism; Social Learning; Best Practices; Classroom Technology

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