Review: Teaching Naked by José Antonio Bowen

Brett Francis Larson


This article is a review of the book Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning by José Antonio Bowen, with particular attention to its applications towards language instruction classrooms.  Split into three sections, the book presents new technology that has recently become available, how to use it with special attention toward a flipped-classroom model, and finally some persuasive arguments for the inclusion of technologically-flipped classrooms in higher education (particularly American universities) written for an audience of administrators and policy makers.  After a brief introduction section, I intend to critically examine each section, and close the paper with a discussion on the potential benefits and complications when applying this approach toward SLA and language classrooms.



educational technology, flipped classrooms, SLA

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Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bowen, J. A. (2012). Teaching naked: How moving technology out of your college classroom will improve student learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint.

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