Cooperative Game-based Learning in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom

Niamboue Bado, Teresa Franklin


Cooperative learning has been used in various settings across disciplines and has been shown to contribute to improving learning outcomes. With the recent development of new information and communication technologies there is a need to understand how these tools support or challenge existing principles of cooperative learning in the classroom.

The present study sought to gain insights into the nature of cooperation between high school students to play an educational video game for learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It also aimed to elicit information on the perceived impact of the game on EFL learning outcomes. Forty-seven (47) high school students from Burkina Faso interacted with an educational video game designed for EFL learning over a period of four weeks and took part in focus-group interviews to discuss their experiences.

The results of the study indicated that effective cooperation took place in various teams during gameplay. The majority of the participants reported that interacting with the game in small teams contributed to improving their EFL vocabulary and writing knowledge as well as their motivation. Recommendations are made for structuring cooperative game-based language learning.


DOI: 10.2458/azu_itet_v2i2_bado


Educational games; game-based learning; collaborative learning; CALL

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