Availability and Use of Digital Technologies in P-12 Classrooms of Selected Countries

Phu Vu


This study examined what digital technologies were available and how they were used in classrooms in 14 countries around the world. The findings of the study indicated that there was an enormous difference in terms of access to digital technologies available in the classrooms between developed countries and developing countries. Classrooms in the U.S had more digital technologies than other classrooms around the world, but they did not use technology the most. Within the group of developed countries, the difference in digital technologies available in the classrooms was not large. However, within the group of developing countries, there was a large difference in terms of different technologies available in the classrooms. The findings of the study also revealed a universal issue of technology integration in education around the world: schools may have the funds to spend on technology, but they did not always have the funds to hire people to help teachers with technology integration.

DOI: 10.2458/azu_itet_v2i1_vu


Technology integration; educational technology, digital literacy

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