Browse Title Index

Issue Title
No 2 (2017) A Meta-Analysis of Bisphenol A’s Developmental Effects on the Female Reproductive System Abstract
Melody Maarouf
No 1 (2016) A Patient's Experience with Painful Vertebral Compression Fractures Abstract
Joseph Frankl, Charles Hennemeyer
No 2 (2017) Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Report Abstract
Samantha Kops
No 1 (2016) ARDS and Severe Symptomatic Hyponatremia Associated with MDMA Use. A Case Report Abstract
H. Fan, R. J. Bernardo, L. Meinke
No 1 (2016) Bloom Details
Jennifer Bao
No 2 (2017) Cellular Mechanisms of Kv1.5 Downregulation in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension-Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells Details
Allison Yee
No 1 (2016) Dr. Myra Muramoto Details
Weston LaGrandeur, Rohini Patel
No 1 (2016) Dr. Zhain Khalpey Details
Alex Liu, Rohini Patel
No 1 (2016) Efficacy of Alternate Day Statins for Lipid Reduction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Abstract
Sheena Galhotra, Muhammad Shahzed Khan, Irbaz Bin Riaz, Tam H. Truong, Asad Patanwala, Marion Slack
No 1 (2016) Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Based Balance Training Program in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment Abstract
Ivy Lin
No 2 (2017) Letter From The Editors Details
Tania Hassanzadeh, Vicky Khoury
No 1 (2016) Letter from the Editors: Introducing the University of Arizona Journal of Medicine Details
Tania Hassanzadeh, Vicky Khoury
No 1 (2016) Manic Panic Details
Jennifer Bao
No 2 (2017) Neuropsychiatric Assessment of Adolescents with Post-Concussion Syndrome Before and After the Implementation of a Novel Active Rehabilitation Protocol Details
Lorin Mowrey, Z. Oleskey, M. Mortazavi, J. Andrews
No 1 (2016) Ocular Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Its Association with Cardiovascular Disease and Homocystinuria: A Meta-Analysis Abstract
Juan Siordia, Catherine R. Coverly
No 1 (2016) Olfactomedin-1 Activity Identifies a Cell Invasion Checkpoint During Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition in the Embryonic Heart Abstract
Alejandro Lencinas, Danny C. C. Chhun, Kelvin P. Dan, Kristen D. Ross, Elizabeth A. Hoover, Parker B. Antin, Raymond B. Runyan
No 2 (2017) Persecutory Delusions: a discussion on etiology, treatment, and possible link to post-traumatic stress disorder: A Case Report Abstract
Alex Liu
No 2 (2017) Pima Juvenile Inmate Health Education Program Details
Genevieve Lambert, Alyssa Streff
No 2 (2017) Predicting Societal and Economic Impact of Future Natural Disasters Abstract
Divneet Mandair, L. Griffiths, C. Liu
No 2 (2017) Ronald Weinstein, MD Details
Blake Gibson, Ted Lin
No 1 (2016) Science with Societal Implications: Detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Africa Abstract
Aubri S Carman, Arpita G. Patel
No 1 (2016) Secret Confessions of a Med School Mom Details
Mary Smith
No 2 (2017) Sherry Chow, PhD Details
Black Gibson, Kyle McKeown
No 2 (2017) Subjective tools in diagnosis: A case for countertransference Abstract
Bagambhrini Gerace
No 1 (2016) Survey of Arizona Emergency Department Infectious Disease Preparedness for Possible Ebola Patients Abstract
Lawrence DeLuca, Ashley Pickering, Zachary Roward, Tyler Durns, Ryan Miller, Dylan Sabb, John Cienki
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