Journal of Political Ecology

JPE is a peer reviewed journal (ISSN: 1073-0451), one of the longest standing, Platinum Open Access journals in the social sciences. It began in 1994 and welcomes submissions in English, French and Spanish. We only publish research into the linkages between political economy and human environmental impacts, across different locations and academic disciplines. Articles need to show a real contribution to the interdisciplinary field of political ecology, otherwise we will suggest publication elsewhere.

The Editors managing articles are Simon Batterbury (University of Melbourne/Lancaster University: speaks English and French) and Casey Walsh (UC Santa Barbara, USA: speaks English and Spanish). Walsh handles articles dealing with the Americas: Batterbury for the rest of the world. Articles are double-refereed, which can take up to 3 months [longer if referees do not reply!] .

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Indexing:  From 2011, JPE has been listed and ranked in the SCOPUS global bibliographic and citation database (Citescore 2019: 3.0 - upper quartile for several fields - eg anthropology 26/467, geography. 146/679, development 51/239, politics 61/529), is in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, and is also in several listings including DOAJ.